Mike Indi Photography

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Street Photography in Manchester, NH

While my professional eye is often focusing on weddings and portraits, my passion for photography began by simply wandering the busy streets of Boston. Those journeys laid the foundation for my love of street photography and telling stories with my camera. I love the challenge of trying to capture exceptional photos of the everyday bustle and the beauty of the city.

Venturing through the streets of Manchester requires an extra dose of patience and a willingness to await the decisive moment that will surely elude the casual observer. Unlike the sprawling canvases of Boston, Chicago, or New York, Manchester offers a more intimate stage for this art form, demanding a keen eye for the subtle, the fleeting, and the unexpected.

Over the past year, I’ve journeyed through the streets of Manchester, with my trusty Nikon and a desire to capture of essence and charm of the city. Today, I’m thrilled to share my favorite 20 photos taken in Manchester from November 2022 through December 2023. Next week I’ll also be sharing my favorite photos I’ve captured in the streets of Boston this year, so stay tuned for more!

Thank you so much for checking out some of my work. I plan to hit the streets even more in 2024, so look-out for more. I encourage you to explore my website for more great photos. Or, if you’d like to connect, please click the button below for my contact information.